Dear Friends,

It’s hard to believe just over a week ago our Harmony Project Celebration Lunch was scheduled to take place, honoring our talented students and celebrating our first high school graduating class! This event is our annual fundraiser, raising critical funds for instruments and instruction for over 150 kids. At this wonderful event, our kids, who have been practicing all year, were going to showcase their accomplishments and pure joy at playing. And to support this wonderful program we had scheduled a “Fund-A-Need” event, giving our guests an enthusiastic and contagious opportunity to make donations.

We need your help. In lieu of a live event, we ask that you consider a donation today to help us make sure the Laby Harmony Project of New West Symphony and our critical youth programs are up and running as soon as this crisis passes. These amazing kids have built strong and meaningful relationships with our teaching artists, with each other and with their community, and after all they will have gone through missing school and music, getting back to making music in the Laby Harmony Project will be more important than ever.

Since they couldn’t perform at the event, we want to share the video the kids put together to show their gratitude and their favorite things about being part of the Laby Harmony Project family:



If you are in a position to make a special gift during these extraordinary times, we and the students of Harmony would be greatly appreciative.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

The Laby Harmony Project of New West Symphony Family