Concert Sponsorship

About Sponsorship

You can take advantage of ways to sponsor the entire Masterpiece Season or a single concert in our Season.  Our sponsors are as varied as our sponsorship packages, so we tailor each package to you.

Depending on the sponsorship, we can provide top billing in our concert program, Premium Concert tickets, and invitations to rehearsals. Perhaps you’d like to brand your business as a supporter of the arts and enjoy full page ads in our programs, your logo displayed in the theatre and tickets for clients or employees. Want to meet the conductor or guest artists? We can arrange that!

This is just a sample of how we can meet your needs through many levels of sponsorships.

Please call Patricia Jones in our office at (805) 435-2775 or email her at [email protected].

Season Sponsorship Levels

Exclusive Season Sponsorship ♦ $100,000

We will accept only one sponsor for our Masterpiece Season.  Your sponsorship not only includes exclusive recognition on selected materials through ads, press releases and logos, but also premium seats, dinner with the conductor and on-stage seating for a rehearsal.  And that is only a taste of the fun we can create for you.

Masterpiece Series Sponsorship

From full page color ads to half page black and white ads, from 6 premium orchestra seats at your sponsored concert to discounts on future concerts for your clients, from meet & greet photo ops with the Guest Conductor to digital recognition from stage – We are going to make sure that you get just what you want from your sponsorship.

Masterpiece Series Season Sponsorship Levels

$100,000 – Grandioso Season Sponsor
In a grand and noble style

 $50,000 – Bravura Season Sponsor
With boldness
$25,000 – Largo Season Sponsor

With great dignity

$15,000 – Crescendo Season Sponsor
“With increasing intensity”

Masterpiece Series Concert Sponsorship Levels

$10,000 and up – Guest Artists Sponsor
Sponsor a world-renowned visiting artist

$10,000 and up – Mezzo Forte Sponsor

$5,000 – Fortissimo Sponsor

If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact Patricia Jones at (805) 435-2775 or email her at [email protected].

If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact Patricia Jones at (805) 435-2775 or email her at [email protected].