“Bone”-afide contender: the trombone

“Bone”-afide contender: the trombone

There’s so much amazing variety in the orchestra, we could spend years learning the ins and outs of each instrument. Today, it’s a fun instrument that so many of us love: the trombone.     You know it, probably because of it exciting slide mechanism....
The harp: how many strings?

The harp: how many strings?

It’s not just the national symbol of Ireland. The harp has existed in some form for over 5,000 years, and it’s still seen today in the concert hall. It’s easy to see why it’s on Team Strings – they can have up to 47 strings! Harp...
Sean Chen, pianist, roots for Team Percussion

Sean Chen, pianist, roots for Team Percussion

Sean Chen, pianist and frequent performer with New West Symphony, grew up in the community and cheered onTeam Percussion in the Battle of the Sections: Orchestra Edition on June 25th, 2020.     Watch Sean’s piano rendition of the Overture to Mozart’s...

Harpsichord: the piano’s older sibling

  Sometimes people can’t decide whether the piano is a string or a percussion instrument. After all, it’s made up of dozens and dozens of strings! But the key element is the fact that pianos make their sound when little hammers strike the strings, akin to...
See you bassoon!

See you bassoon!

Maybe you don’t think about the bassoon all that often, but it has stand-out moments in much of your favorite music, from the opening of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring to the music for Harry Potter: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. New West Symphony...