2023/24 Masterpiece Series
Beethoven to Brubeck
Sat, Nov. 4, 2023 – 7:30PM – Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza (BAPAC)
Sun, Nov. 5, 2023 – 3:00PM – Rancho Campana Performing Arts Center (RCPAC)
American photo legend Ansel Adams and the iconic Brubeck jazz family talents combine sweeping melodies with 102 striking photographic images projected above the orchestra. Few people realize that Adams trained to be a classical musician, a fact which greatly influenced his work. Beethoven’s mighty Fifth is the most recognized piece of music in history and forever changed what people thought music could do, what music could be.
Michael Christie, conductor
Dave and Chris Brubeck | Ansel Adams: America*
Barber | Adagio for Strings, from String Quartet, Op. 11
Beethoven | Symphony No. 5
*Featuring the photos of Ansel Adams
Michael Christie
Price Range $30 – $120
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Program and artists are subject to change.