Symphonic Adventures 2022

2022 Symphonic Adventures: SCIENCE OF SOUND

New West Symphony presents this year’s 2022 Symphonic Adventures: SCIENCE OF SOUND, an educational and fun online orchestral experience for schoolchildren. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Music (STEMM) weave together to explore of how the physical attributes of sound production translate into uniquely emotional experiences. Featuring Music Director Michael Christie, a musical guest artist/musician, the New West Symphony orchestra and experts in science and sound. This year’s event includes science demonstrations with NWS musicians and science experts filmed at the MOXI museum in Santa Barbara. This is an annual concert that has been presented for more than 25 years by the Symphony..

Educators recognize the emotional impact the COVID pandemic has had on family members of all ages, particularly youth. Music has helped people through the stress of learning at home, social isolation, and fear of illness. Music is one of humanity’s most treasured and enduring experiences combining physical science and human emotional response. Local districts renewed their commitment to the arts but have difficulty holding to the high standards they once had for music education. Art is offered mostly after school and for a fee. Many families do not have resources for music education or to attend concerts. Teachers are over-burdened and must be assisted if we wish to have music in the curriculum.


Symphonic Adventures is designed to help development in cognitive, social, cultural, and emotional capacities. It encourages students to seek and create new perspectives, perceive and know the world, and gain understanding that can shape the strength and wellbeing of society by viewing the world linguistically, scientifically, mathematically, socially and historically.



    • Develop musically literate students
    • Use music as a connector of science, culture and history
    • Use music to communicate
    • Use music to create community

OUTCOMES (students will gain) 

    • Understanding of basic elements of music, note-reading, clapping (body percussion) and singing along, identify orchestra instruments, pitch, consonant and dissonant intervals, timbre,
    • Understanding of science core standards: What is sound, what is a sound waves, frequency in lower and higher notes, how brains translate frequencies and melodies, dynamics and volume in percussion, decibel, amplitude
    • Stronger understanding of musical instruments in the orchestra, how they are played, how each instrument creates sound, why they sound different when playing the same note.

Study Guide

Click the icon above to open the Symphonic Adventures Study Guide in a new tab.

This program is made possible by individual sponsors and the following foundations and municipalities